About Us
Alneed established in April 2010, located in Guang Zhou,China. supplying diverse & high-quality 1:1 Replica luxury items at an affordable price. Specialized in LV Chanel Dior Gucci Fendi Hermes and so on .
We realize that thought of owning an authentic luxury designer handbag, such Louis Vuitton or Hermes is just a dream for many bag lovers.because of the crazy price. We also know that many fake bags with price as real are available all around the world, and we've seen the cheap knock offs available at street markets throughout the world, but they don't even look like a luxury bag. They are often made with cheap material and dull metal hard ware. But to bag lovers, it maybe a nightmare when bought a bag with high performance cost ratio.
Here, Alneed prides ourselves on replicating authentic designer bags to a mirror image quality. The bags we create are meticulously crafted by our skilled artisans, with every detail replicated to the original bags which we do indeed purchase from authentic designer boutiques.